As if all of the craziness of Catholicism weren't already enough, now you can know you are getting sprayed with poo at every Mass. How lovely.
But it's the poo of Christ, so it's holy poo.
That's right along the lines with "urine mints," which are the free mints in a bowl by the door when you are leaving restaurants that have been touched by so many people, usually men, who do not wash their hands when they use the bathroom and have been found to be covered in urine. (Granted, so is every door handle and touchable surface because of such lazy folks with no concept of microbiology.)
Since this story has appeared in satirical publications and is treated somewhat as a joke in this video, I include this link to The Washington Times about the official study. And, honestly, everyone touching anything, especially something both moist and kept at room temperature, is going to mean some pretty nasty germs running rampant. E. coli can be found in frightening numbers in nearly everyone's sponges and towels and sinks, for instance, especially that kitchen sponge you wipe over every surface.
By the way, I had to chuckle at CNN for their embed code. YouTube videos include about one line of code, but this one has twelve. And that's without even including centering the frame on the page.
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