Thursday, May 8, 2014


A friend of mine is very LDS, but he admits it does not matter in the least if everything about it is proven false--good thing, too, because it could all be proven false and completely made up and stolen from other fictional sources in a court of law.

I find this lack of needing evidence disturbing, for why live a lie just to perpetuate a sense of delusional peacefulness? This is like believing you will get a windfall and spending all of your time shopping yourself into debt (i.e. living in denial). *sigh* Sadly, people were interviewed as to why issues like Global Warming and credit-card debt were irrelevant to them, and they quoted Revelations saying God would be back soon, so why worry? *facepalm*

But that's all what faith is: believing in something that makes no rational sense whatsoever and denying any proof that stares you square in the face due to faith bringing warm fuzzies. In other words, their imaginary friend brings them soft slippers and hot cocoa when they're stressed--at least if they buy said slippers, cocoa, cooking apparatus, and electricity, and if they fetch and heat these things themselves.

Aren't imaginary friends uber-useful?? I mean, heck, they do things for you if you do them yourself! Just like a four-year-old and a teddy-bear tea party!

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